Ugh. Timlies and gronklies. Going on day 7 of the summer cold o' doom. I swear I've thought this thing was done 2 or 3 times now, but the symptoms keep coming back with friends. Started in the throat/chest with a sore throat and hacking cough. (though I now suspect that my CPAP machine may have been the culprit for the rapid onset - I think it took all the crap that was forming in my head, loosened it, and pushed it south in concentrated form). That faded a bit, then it came back with sinus congestion (but clear nasal passages). That faded a bit too. Both of those came back, this time with the nasal passages clogged (oh, and there was a fever in there somewhere as well, but Mr. Fever seems to have left the party for good - I'll take my small bleesings where I can get them). Faded again, then everything but the fever came back, and this time my ears feel clogged up. Kinda faded again.
And then, on top of everything else still lingering, this morning's winner in the "what fresh hell is this?" saga - my right eyelid was somewhat stuck together this morning when I woke up. Intiate panic mode.
So far no massive reddening of the eye that I can see, and it wasn't so stuck that I had to pry it open, nor does there seem to be any gunk accumulating now, but still pink eye/conjunctivitis would be just so of the suck on top of everything else I can't even process right now. I'm breaking down and making an appointment. I never go to my doctor for anything as mundane as a cold, but it's not fighting fair at this point.