Jilli and I discovered that the Latke Fairy is actually a mutual friend. I went to college with her briefly, and she was the very first person I stayed with the first time I went to Seattle, all the way back in 1996. Weird!
Dude, seriously???
Seriously??? OMG, that's awesome! See? E is another reason you need to visit!
Seriously. Isn't that beyond strange? Jilli started talking about her friend E. on the phone the other day, and I thought, "I know and 'E' in Seattle...but it can't be!" Turned out it could be and is!
I can't wait to see her again! I've been out of touch with her since that visit, so it's been a long time.
I can't wait to see her again! I've been out of touch with her since that visit, so it's been a long time.
She was completely agog when I told her, and said that you'd better come up here to visit soon.
My FNL and Heroes DVDS have shipped!!
(BTW, you guys know that some Best Buys and Walmarts were selling SPN season 2 dvds early, right?)
mac modified a song and I think it is perfect for Jilli.
the itsy bitsy spider went up the spout again
it started raining again
and he drowned.
I'm baking coffee cake. It's from a mix, but at least it will be fresh and yummy....
I have just cooked my third meal of the day! Three meals cooked on the stove! Crazy, especially given the fact that it just today got hot again, but still.
From waaaay up thread:
Vortex, of COURSE I knew about Eastern Market opening. Living directly across the street...we've all been agog at the building of the temp structure and I've been feeling so bad for the vendors spending their days outside.
I visited after my walk this morning and the place was mobbed. So much so, I didn't even try to buy anything. I'll try again tomorrow...or just wait until Tuesday when I can actually chat with the folks.
The temp building is nice, but the promised a/c seemed only to be working in the middle of the structure. Both ends were boiling. Hope they get that fixed soon.
Still, nice to see business back to semi-normal.
As for this morning's walk. We did only 8 miles because of the crushing humidity. And, I'm thrilled to report my new shoes and socks did the trick. No problems at all with existing wounds and no new ones. Pheew!
I got a bit panicked about a pain behind my knee but a call to Georgetown Running with the symptoms assured me it wasn't the shoes. And after I hung up, I remembered that I'd done a new stretch today that must have pulled one of the ligaments at the bottom of my hamstring. Ice and aspirin later, I'm fine.
I think I'm going to have to marry Georgetown Running...not just the guys...the whole store!