Jesse - that just sucks. I can't believe that two year's on you're still getting more alerty stuff about that.
Salvadoran? What is that cuisine like? I have not heard a thing about it.
I stayed up way too late (but heard no rain) and slept in and have been listening the blues show on the radio and playing online since then.
The awesome Home Depot lady said the account would have been listed in my credit report as a Citi account, which is why I wouldn't have noticed it -- I have a ton of Citibank accounts, between credit card, student loans, bank line of credit, etc., although I thought I looked pretty closely at everything opened in December 05. Eh.
I do want to make a point of telling Home Depot how great this Adrienne was -- she had gotten the fraudulator on the phone and thought he was sketchy!
Why the fuck would I even need to dream about members of Fall Out Boy and My Chemical Romance?! Huh? Because I looked at her stupid picspacm, that's why.
Because you got a dream slated for me or shrift? I dunno. Why on earth did you look at her picspam? I mean, Pete looks at them, but that's because he finds her commentary hilarious. Plus he wants to know why I might be geebling incoherently.
I'm spending the weekend preparing to go back to work on Monday,
oof. I'm sorry. I tentatively went back this week and I'll go back back next week. But it's all a clusterfuck of figuring out WHERE I am working, at my old school or my new one.
That is excellent. Surely, there is a way that you can heap praise on good customer service people?
ION, I think I missed the corn boil. At least, I haven't heard the steam whistle. I see people heading over to Corn Fest though.
Salvadoran? What is that cuisine like?
Salvadoran is very like Mexican, I think; but they do fried plantains with black beans and cream, which are AWESOME. Also, they do pupusas, which are sort of pita-ish bread stuffed with cheese and pork or vegetables, oh so tasty. Oh, and served with a cole-slaw type of thing. Also they do fried yuca (which I don't love but it's okay). Others had steak and enchiladas and one huge whole fried fish. It's good food but very filling. I feel like I should have a salad for lunch.
I don't want my new TV to feel bad, but when I just took the box out to the alley to throw it out, I put it down next to the box of a new TV 10" bigger. Heh.
It is disgusting outside. We were at the US OPEN Arthur Ashe Kids Day and it was too hot, humid and not good for a wheelchair. feh. maybe next year.
Sorry to hear that, msbelle.
It rained here.
Not over a wide area and not for long. But I'm acclimated to the LA norm enough that all I could do is stare in confusion.
Rain? Middle of the day? August? Aroo?