The awesome Home Depot lady said the account would have been listed in my credit report as a Citi account, which is why I wouldn't have noticed it -- I have a ton of Citibank accounts, between credit card, student loans, bank line of credit, etc., although I thought I looked pretty closely at everything opened in December 05. Eh.
I do want to make a point of telling Home Depot how great this Adrienne was -- she had gotten the fraudulator on the phone and thought he was sketchy!
Why the fuck would I even need to dream about members of Fall Out Boy and My Chemical Romance?! Huh? Because I looked at her stupid picspacm, that's why.
Because you got a dream slated for me or shrift? I dunno. Why on earth did you look at her picspam? I mean, Pete looks at them, but that's because he finds her commentary hilarious. Plus he wants to know why I might be geebling incoherently.
I'm spending the weekend preparing to go back to work on Monday,
oof. I'm sorry. I tentatively went back this week and I'll go back back next week. But it's all a clusterfuck of figuring out WHERE I am working, at my old school or my new one.
That is excellent. Surely, there is a way that you can heap praise on good customer service people?
ION, I think I missed the corn boil. At least, I haven't heard the steam whistle. I see people heading over to Corn Fest though.
Salvadoran? What is that cuisine like?
Salvadoran is very like Mexican, I think; but they do fried plantains with black beans and cream, which are AWESOME. Also, they do pupusas, which are sort of pita-ish bread stuffed with cheese and pork or vegetables, oh so tasty. Oh, and served with a cole-slaw type of thing. Also they do fried yuca (which I don't love but it's okay). Others had steak and enchiladas and one huge whole fried fish. It's good food but very filling. I feel like I should have a salad for lunch.
I don't want my new TV to feel bad, but when I just took the box out to the alley to throw it out, I put it down next to the box of a new TV 10" bigger. Heh.
It is disgusting outside. We were at the US OPEN Arthur Ashe Kids Day and it was too hot, humid and not good for a wheelchair. feh. maybe next year.
Sorry to hear that, msbelle.
It rained here.
Not over a wide area and not for long. But I'm acclimated to the LA norm enough that all I could do is stare in confusion.
Rain? Middle of the day? August? Aroo?
I am cleaning. I feel like I deserve a pony, or at least a cupcake.