Doublepostitis strikes again!
What can we do to eradicate this condition?
And I think either my kitties are too antique to get maximum enjoyment from the crack pad or I need to add more kitty crack to the pad. (My kitties mostly lie on it. They are 15 and almost 14.)
And Happy Belated Birthday bonbon -- I hope you did it up right.
I think I did it wrong, since all I did was go to dinner and sit in my new chair. But that's ok. Thanks guys for the wishes!
Belated Happy Birthday, bon bon! If the dinner was good and the chair was comfortable, I'd call it a good way to spend a birthday.
Happy Birthday, Franny!
I'd suck at being a Financial Services Representative, but if they offer paid training I could suck at it for a while while I take programming courses.
I don't think that I'm that desperate yet.
Happy Backported Birthday bon bon!
Happy belated bon bon! and Happy Franny!
Sumi, perhaps your cats ARE getting their enjoyment by laying on the kitty crack pad.
Well, they are elderly -- but it's not nearly as amusing as everyone else's crack-addled kitties.
I need a new job. i must be the least motivated person in the world.
I'm currently playing 8 games of Scrabulous. I don't have time to work!
I've gotten my last three jobs through Monster or other online sites. But though searching them, not posting a resume and waiting for something to come in. I've only had one or two nibbles that way that were even vaguely on target.
I've gotten my last three jobs through Monster or other online sites. But though searching them, not posting a resume and waiting for something to come in.
Yeah, this is my experience. I got my last job through Monster and my current one through Craigslist by searching and applying aggressively and writing kickass cover letters.