Submitted for Discussion: A fresh, sweet, perfectly ripe peach cut up with Haagen Dazs Vanilla Ice Cream (slightly melty) is one of the very best things you can stick into you mouth. (Let's say top ten.)
Agree or disagree?
I challenge you to explore the peaches before summer is gone.
Damn, I really want a peach now.
So, yeah... agree.
I'm guessing I've never had a fresh, sweet, perfectly ripe peach.
Because all it's making me think of is mangoes. In a really tender mangoey way.
I can now say that any moment of today that was not spent lying down should have been spent lying down. A colossally horrible day, painwise.
My mother was very sweet, but her sweetness also means that I have a load of damp laundry in my bathroom that needs to be dealt with in a timely fashion, and all I really want to do is eat Percocet like popcorn, because that's how much it hurts.
Why does a lieutenant general outrank a major general? Is there some sort of historical reason for this?
Some days, today being one of them, I'm convinced that the British army got together a few centuries back and decided it would be fun to mess with the head of the authors who would undoubtedly commit their great deeds to paper someday, and designed their entire system of rank, uniforms, terminology, etc. just to confuse me.
Now I'm wishing magical, mango flavored pain killers for ita.
Lee, I have photos to share with you. I should get on that.
And suddenly I'm not craving peaches.