Is there a sorting hat?
There's only the students with checks that clear and students with checks that don't.
Actually, last week in a meeting I heard that 147 (out of about 300) students hadn't turned in their shot records, which could keep them from being fully, officially registered.
Yeah. Plus it's one of those stories that will spread like crazy as part of a sorta' iPhone backlash.
megan! Please stop leaving bits of your dentition behind you!
Why are these rules so hard to follow???
megan, keep your teeth in your head! Cass, stop bumping into things. S, STOP FALLING DOWN!
Last night I was cooking naked.
Cass heard the squeal when I jolted the pot and splashed.
Oh, so naked AND on the phone.
Probably a rule about that one too, huh?
K-Bug's bf and his family headed East on Wednesday for a family wedding. I found out last night that they actually went to DC to do the tourist thing before going wherever the wedding is for the weekend.
Apparently they were complaining about driving around DC. Hah - park and take the Metro, my brain said. I felt like I had a clue.
Then it made me think about my trip to DC, which in turn made me miss all the DC'istas I got to spend time with.
I googled "Thomas Martel" - I found a number of matches, but all had the North Denver News story as their source.
I also googled the Dr. (Robert Fox Spars) and the only matches were for this story.
So the story didn't come from a legit news source? Yeah that's a pretty big red flag.
Work is so stupid. We have three junior people in our department. All at the same time, two are in trouble for talking too much during the day (they're friends outside work), and the higher-ups are concerned that the third one isn't "fitting in." Well, yeah, it looks that way because she
doesn't sit around chatting all day.
Christ. Also, she hates people in general, so she's not super chatty or whatever.
The morning commute was a bit more entertaining than usual today: [link]
I think I'd pay someone to develop a custom double-size iPhone before I'd try elective surgery.
Also, she hates people in general, so she's not super chatty or whatever.
Not that there's anything wrong with that. Misanthropes deserve work too!
I'm sitting in a coffee shop in Lexington. A woman just walked in the front door with a tray full of flowers to replace the ones on the tables. I kind of like this town.