Theodosia, thanks for all the great suggestions!! I adore Christopher Moore, but I don't know how they'd all like his unique style.
Odd that you mentioned The Nanny Diaries, because I had thought of that. I read it, but it was ages ago, and since the movie is coming out, I thought it might be fun. Wonder how many people have already read it...
Kat - I do want to stick with fiction, because we've read a plethora of non-fiction and memoirs lately, and I really don't like that sort of thing much. I really prefer fiction, because reading is all about escapism for me. I'll check out Three Junes, though.
tommyrot, I just heard about that. My mouth dropped open. People are amazing. He'd rather have his thumbs whittled than keep track of a stylus. Wow. Somewhere usability engineers are praying their products wont be associated with this story.
I started singing a song at work just now, let me share it with:
let me count the ways that I don't want to work
I don't want to work
I don't want to wo-ork
Let me count the ways that I don't want to work
#1 is that I'm tired.
repeat FROM the top
#2 is that is rainy
#3 is that it's cold
#4 is that my boss is gone
#5 is that I'm halfway through a movie
#6 is that I'm avoiding big disjointed project
#7 is writing user guides - yuck.
That's nothing compared to the invasive surgery that will be needed for the innovative direct neural link interface that will be introduced for the iPerson®.
Jericho dvd set news -- I think I don't care that some of the music has changed - Jericho isn't a show where the music has seemed that important. . . FNL on the other hand. . .
msbelle, I am 100 percent with you on numbers 1-4 and 6.
Well, our admin assistant brought in her daughter who is 7ish. Now they are both in an office (with a door, instead of a cube) watching The Incredibles.
Kids day at work!!! How many people can we annoy!!!
I think the question is, how many employees will join the kids to watch movies rather than working?
Today is my last half-day summer Friday, because the 1Ls arrive on Monday for (dis)orientation. Woe!
I'm documenting today, so work isn't fun here either. On the other hand, I'm not outside where it's suppose to get up to 100 today so I don't exactly have it hard.
I think the question is, how many employees will join the kids to watch movies rather than working?
Seriously. I keep wanting to "check on them". Ya know?
1L's? What is that?