Kathy, what they said. Call the credit agencies and set up a fraud alert. I had to do that recently because some jerk at one of the companies that creates checks sold my information.
Okay, that's hysterical! But what's even better? The comments. There are several very offended commenters. BWAH!
Oh I know. Satire, people, SATIRE! It's like Jonathan Swift all over again!
Giant Dutch Legoman
Can I be in the band? I'll play French horn. Wait - too boring. How about electronic French horn MIDI controller, used to control synth with sampled car-backfires?
I'll play the etch-a-sketch.
Timelies all!
Happy Birthday Aimee!
My parents arrive tomorrow for a visit. Just the weekend, thatnk goodness.(I love my parents, but...you know the drill)
This is so freaking cool (if potentially dangerous, as the article says)--Lucy is going on tour!
The Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds tour! I'd travel to see her, but shouldn't she be in a vault with retina scan access?
Have you guys seen this? It's a crazy lion/buffalo throwdown, with some alligators in a cameo. [link]
No, Dillo has to play the kazoo!
We'll be part of the three piece kazoo section. Dillo can be first chair.
I'll do a brief ocarina solo, complete with KISS-style leaps in the air.
My brother went to go see Lucy while we were in Ethiopia and was really unimpressed, like he said the bones don't look real, more like plastic and in really bad shape. I was sick and couldn't go, but we had seen some other archeological items and they were not bad at all, so it made me sad or wonder if whay they display in Addis are replicas.
Have you guys seen this? It's a crazy lion/buffalo throwdown, with some alligators in a cameo.
I saw that!! that buffalo deserved to live after all of that. poor thing.
ION drinking all that water seems to have done the trick. no headache!
I would totally play glockenspiel. It would be free-form instinctive glockenspiel.