why you shouldn't shake babies
Please tell me someone has posted the faux hospital video on not shaking babies? It's so funny you may fall over. Seriously. Never Shake a Baby. Not work safe due to some language and the fact that you will not be able to stop laughing.
"But what if my baby's an etch-a-sketch?"
OK... so I guess under a dictatorship you're even more free?
Hey, at least the trains ran on time under Giuliani.
Jon Stewart! Jon Stewart! Jon Stewart! Jon Stewart! Jon Stewart!
The trains' freedom to run on time was all about authority.
Freedom's just another word for respecting Rudy's authori-tay.
I like the giant Dutch legoman.
My new band shall be called: Giant Dutch Legoman, and our debut shall be titled
No Real Than You Are.
Skipping to the end to say that I think I felt the earthquake this morning.
Also to say that those science tattoos were particularly awesome. I always wanted to get a nice, detailed drawing of the surface of Mars, including the Valles Marineris, Olympus Mons, and the three mountains of that main Martian upland as visible features.
I thought the periodic table was awesome, but the "atom" one just made me think of Dr. Manhattan rejecting that exact same symbol for a stylized hydrogen molecule.
My new band shall be called: Giant Dutch Legoman, and our debut shall be titled No Real Than You Are.
I wish to be in this band. I will play (among other instruments) imaginary slap bass, and kazoo.
Can I be your backup interpretive dancer?
I love this band already!
I have kazoo, imaginary slap bass and interpretive dancer.
If I could only get sumi on glockenspiel...