Oh, brenda, I'm sorry. Tell them to back off!
I got some info about my new teacher orientation stuff next week. Good news? They offer a lot of training/support for new teachers during the entire year. Once a month training sessions, twice per month evening class at a local university (gets me 2 hours of free grad credits, too!), mentor teachers, etc.
Bad news? All the sessions start at 7:15 next week. Which means I'll have to leave home at 6:00 AM! After falling into my natural sleep patterns over the summer (3 am to 11 am), that's just going to suck.
I just had to show him how to use the three hole punch because he couldn't figure it out. ugh.
Did you start by showing him how not to use it? As in, don't hit yourself over the head with it like so?
Here's the video for you, brenda: [link]
It's supposed to hit 103 today. Again. BAD AND WRONG!
The bad news is, it's also been 80 degrees in my office all week, and the HVAC people can't seem to FIX IT.
Oh, this one!!! It's like he can't decide if he's hiding or climbing -- so cute!
I celebrated Dylan turning 8 weeks old today by checking out a new baby consignment shop in Williamsburg and I scored a used Ergo for $70. SO much more comfortable than the Bjorn or the sling! Bye bye back pain! I put it on and it was like he was suddenly 10 lbs lighter, which is impressive considering he only weighs 12.
Glad you're home, ita! Hospitals suck.
Thing is, the hospital room had this big long boom coming from over the head of the bed. At the end of the boom was a plasma screen and a keyboard and a phone handset.
I would never leave the house if I had this.
Science tattoos are cool. I liked the dividing-DNA-dragon-thingy the best.
Wow! Excellent shopping-fu, Jessica.
Somebody brought in lovely fudgy brownies. There are four b-day cards making the office rounds for signatures today. I'm guessing that the brownies are from one of the b-day folks.
Yikes, flea. It's only 81 outside here, about about 62 in my office. Brrr!
Just wasted some time discussing a coworker who just (shockingly) quit. Huh.
Oh, this one!!! It's like he can't decide if he's hiding or climbing -- so cute!
So very.
Count me among the people who just aren't doing that whole work thing today.
I did however volunteer to do something that is fun and good, but is also going to force me to come in AGAIN tomorrow morning, and now I'm wondering if I can get out of it.
Can anyone give me an idea how much a taxi from O'Hare to downtown might cost? I'm doing my expense report, and I forgot to write that down.