Lori, whyfor the huge pacifier contraption?
He hasn't mastered the unsupported freespace binky suck, so the cloth provides handles, and you can tuck the ends under his head or body to keep the pacifier in place.
And yeah, he has some rockin' eyelashes. Twice the length of Grace's. Doesn't it always seem that the boys get the longer lashes naturally?
Ah, advanced binky engineering.
He hasn't mastered the unsupported freespace binky suck, so the cloth provides handles, and you can tuck the ends under his head or body to keep the pacifier in place.
I like it! I loved the moment Liv managed to figureo out how to fish for her own binky and pop it back in her mouth.
Unsupported freespace binky suck sounds like something that should finish in a dismout. Probably best that it doesn't.
We learned it from the NICU folks. They have all the tricks.
We learned it from the NICU folks. They have all the tricks.
I still think they zealously guard the Secret of the Baby Burrito. I could never swaddle my babies as good as nurses do.
That's a good trick, too. I think I've got it down - watched 'em do it enough times.
I still think they zealously guard the Secret of the Baby Burrito. I could never swaddle my babies as good as nurses do.
I teach that one to people all the time, though one grandfather noted that it's really more a tamale than a burrito.
As soon as Cashmere gets a degree in mechanical engineering she'll be all set!
Huh. Apparently they are looking for extras this weekend for the new Batman movie here in Chicago.