I skimmed to catch up (thanks for all the Spanish and French posts, BTW, made it easier to skim since I speak only English), but I don't think I missed anything about ita. Has she been released? Is she doing any better? Poor ita.
Jilli!! That is such exciting news! Just breathe, its all good.
Emily, what subject would that be? And is the appropriate comment "Congratulations," or "I'm sorry"?
Sincerely hoping that the New Yorkers aren't sending tornadoes our way! The weather today was quite miserable enough without tornadoes.
Three things happened today that made my day slightly less miserable than my average work day.
1. Because of the dreadful weather, DearFiancee was at home, and we managed to finally get to the town office to pick up a marriage license (it's surprisingly difficult for both of us to be able to go at the same time on a work day). So one more thing taken care of wedding wise.
2. A book I have been desperately awaiting, which came out yesterday, FINALLY arrived today from Amazon. Was so disappointed it didn't arrive yesterday. But yay! It's here!
3. Out of the complete blue, my company sent me a $100 Amazon gift certificate to thank me for working even harder than usual the last couple weeks. This is odd, because a.)my company is mostly evil these days, as I may have mentioned once or twice b.) while the last couple weeks have sucked, it hasn't been much different than the last 9 months have been, and they didn't send me random gifts during those many months. But nonetheless, appreciated, and downright decent of them. I feel kinda bad that it didn't stop my co-worker and I from bitching to each other via email. A $100 gift cert. does not make up for work sucking.
It is good that I can laugh at myself...
I am sitting here wearing my gym clothes and eating Ben and Jerry's (my favorite, Strawberry Cheesecake). This is especially pathetic because I haven't been to the gym in three weeks and am only wearing my gym clothes because I haven't got any clean pajamas.
This. Is. So. My. Life.
Thanks for all the squee-ing, gang! You're a wonderful counterbalance to Pete, who is a pessimist's pessimist. When I told him about this, he went straight to Very Wary and Dampening.
(He knows I'm saying this here, just in case anyone thinks I'm venting about him behind his back or something.)
- I* am excited about the whole nebulous possibility. Freaked out beyond belief, but excited.
Crochet your own cephalopod.
Awesome bed. Although it should have Legolas in it to make it perfect.
paperdol, the goodie bags for your reading sound so nifty! I wish I could be there for it.
Go, Jilli! It's your GothDay!
I am home. I have no idea when I stopped posting this morning. My sense of time is shot all to hell.
The psychiatrist came back to visit me, and asked if everything went okay. He says he tried his best to raise holy hell after the first visit, and I gotta say--didn't Patient Relations come in right afterwards? And
I started getting doctors?
I had more fights for pain meds--a neuro guy came in and played Bad Addiction Cop. I hate that shit. I get it. The the pain medicine guy came in playing Narcotic Santa Claus, and seemed quite sad that I had been rationing meds.
Which is weird, really, but I figured the amount of meds I was to take would vary depend on when I was leaving (am I going to try to go into work, yadda yadda).
So I doped myself up a few more times, called work, got distracted by a nurse and a call saying my ride was coming by (thanks for the offer, Polgara! LAistas=kind), and probably weirded the hell out of my coworker.
I dressed in the rest of the clothes Kat brought (I'm pretty sure I'm wearing a camo turtle right now, but it's hard to tell from up here) and a very nice nurse let me escape without waiting for a wheelchair.
I got out of the car at home and broke down which got me Stern But Kindly Cop from my ride as he performed his all-too-expert put-ita-to-bed routine. He wouldn't leave until I pretended to sleep, and with the amount of dilaudid still sloshing around in me, I couldn't pretend to sleep without falling asleep.
Woke up later that day (this day??) to text messages about my family's arrival or krav people checking to see if I was alive. Had a massive headache probably related to bounceback or withdrawal, so I took some home-strength painkillers and went back to bed.
And then woke up.
paperdol, you do know I have a couple industry-ish players and a couple people who like you that might want to come to your book party, right?
YAY Home.
Thing is, the hospital room had this big long boom coming from over the head of the bed. At the end of the boom was a plasma screen and a keyboard and a phone handset.
I need one of those for home. It was TV and internet browser and VOIP phone adjustable to about any position. I was so distracted by that that I forgot to play with adjusting my bed.