I love that Pat Kiernan keeps us updated on his wife's transit situation. Because when you're stuck, why not call your husband while he's hosting a morning newscast?
For myself I guess I'll stay put for a bit. I feel bad for my colleagues who have to be in, though.
Fred Pete, where does Teddy go for acupuncture? My dogs go to Dr. Kocen at SouthPaws. Kitty ~ma to Teddy. Good luck with traffic. I believe I hate I-66 the most of all of our area Interstates.
Teddy has excellent taste in music!
Dear Today:
Smashing You Right Now,
Pat & Bobby are my transit OTP. I adore them.
There are five subway lines in walking distance of my apartment. None of them are running.
Hey, people on Facebook -- is there a way to join a college network without a college email address? 'Cause I lost mine so long ago I don't even remember what it was. No alum email either.
Am not having ita's horrible day nor am I under threat of stormpocalypse, but have been doing work of three people all week, supervisors called out again today, am literally trapped at desk until 1pm because have been offered up as sacrificial tech support lamb for noodleheads doing presentation, and did I mention the pile of work on my desk supervisors gave me the few hours they've been at office this week?
Not sure Jessica--mine has an alumni address, so I was able to use that.
We did NOT have stormpocalypse. We just have sauna.
I think I'm mostly ready for my trip tonight (to Las Vegas where my band is playing!!!)! I think I've packed the least amount I ever have into my big bag. Had to take big bag to accomodate mike, cords, tambourine etc. but only needed 3 days of clothing. Summer clothing. I really hope I'm not forgetting key. And that the rollerderby people who have our other mike remembered to bring it. Otherwise i'm making them all stand in front and sing the back up bits loudly.
I wish I could have left last night or this morning to go out there, though. My friend is skating as the head Elvis in an Elvises vs. Showgirls exhibition bout this afternoon.