F2F '08 in Maine!
Wow, that would be SO cool!! Nobody ever comes to visit. Seriously. This place is called "Vacationland," and still nobody comes to visit.
I'm going to go geek out in front of the Sims2. I so rarely have time to play, so I am going to take full advantage of the first night in two weeks that I haven't had to work. Everybody keep your fingers crossed that they don't dump last minute work on me tonight! They do that, on average, once a week - give me something at 8 or 9 PM that's due the next day. Please not today!
...I'll actually be in Maine next weekend! But I don't know where. A friend's family lake house. Which is...somewhere (we're flying into Boston). I should perhaps figure out some of these details, it occurs to me...
Who are your Joneses?
Dammit. I have no Joneses. I'm jonesing for Joneses!
Yay, Sims2! (I built our house design in Sims, to work out the kinks. It's not weird! It's what Will Wright originally thought his game was for! And it works great! Although right now my Sims family has two teenagers, one natural birth and one adopted, to see how the house works for lifecycle stages. Next we'll see what happens when the Sims parents enter their elderly lifestyles. Oh, and bonus, since getting Sims2 Seasons, my Sims family has grown all their food and stopped going to the grocery store.)
you know that sort of stupid levi's commercial where the guy pulls up his pants and the telephone booth with a pretty girl and buildings and whatnot come crashing into his apartment? well, I'm watching Logo, and they have the same commercial, but with a cute guy in the telephone booth.
I was in Maine (Kennebunkport) a couple of weekends ago!
Who are your Joneses?
Dammit. I have no Joneses. I'm jonesing for Joneses!
The Original Joneses to keep up with were probably the Gilded Age parents of Edith Wharton.
t /Cliff Claven
So, I bought a watch today that is completely unlike any watch I've ever had before. I can't find it online -- I think she said they had just gotten it in that day. It's bronze-colored, metal band, crystals (but they're bronze-ish, too), and I can't decide if it's too flashy or something. Could I wear it tomorrow and still return it if need be?
Edit: No, no I can't. I think it will be OK. If not, I am rich enough to buy another watch!