Archie Mcphee has cool stuff, but their customer service stuff sucks. I wanted to get some gift certificates, but they aren't available on line, so I called, and they don't even have an 800 number, and then all of the reps were busy, and they don't even have a system for putting people on hold.
So I got itunes cards instead.
I've had one McPhee customer service encounter, and it worked very well for me. One of my wristbands broke when I tried to put it on, and they sent me a new set for free. And even included a punny comment on the band itself (despair).
Not having hold or an 800 number--that seems like a pretty basic setup they're lacking.
Cashmere, ugh! Does your husband agree about this woman's awfulness? At least then you'll be able to have someone to complain about her with after the evening is over.
Excellent point. That would seem to be the key. The bitching afterwards, I mean.
Excellent point. That would seem to be the key. The bitching afterwards, I mean.
Yeah, there will be plenty of that. And drinks, too, I think. DH wanted to bail on the whole thing because he sees ex-co-worker every year in Vegas (without the wife). For him, that's enough. But since they called me, and I didn't have a good excuse at the ready, I caved and committed.
But since they called me, and I didn't have a good excuse at the ready, I caved and committed.
Perhaps one of the kids needs to get into a time-consuming (and yet perfectly safe for them) escapade that prevents you from attending??
Perhaps one of the kids needs to get into a time-consuming (and yet perfectly safe for them) escapade that prevents you from attending??
After this morning, I'm escapaded out. I'd be happy to take them out to eat so I don't have to wash dishes or clean up. And they'll make a handy excuse for leaving early.
Seekrit message to Lee:
Kat--I hope you feel less at the end of your rope than you did yesterday.
ita, my rope is mostly gone. I just had an extremely upsetting phone call withe Grace's doctor and I have a job interview in less than 3 hours. Can't really concentrate or get my face unpuffied.
Ah, fuck, Kat. I'm so sorry to hear that.