Excellent point. That would seem to be the key. The bitching afterwards, I mean.
Yeah, there will be plenty of that. And drinks, too, I think. DH wanted to bail on the whole thing because he sees ex-co-worker every year in Vegas (without the wife). For him, that's enough. But since they called me, and I didn't have a good excuse at the ready, I caved and committed.
But since they called me, and I didn't have a good excuse at the ready, I caved and committed.
Perhaps one of the kids needs to get into a time-consuming (and yet perfectly safe for them) escapade that prevents you from attending??
Perhaps one of the kids needs to get into a time-consuming (and yet perfectly safe for them) escapade that prevents you from attending??
After this morning, I'm escapaded out. I'd be happy to take them out to eat so I don't have to wash dishes or clean up. And they'll make a handy excuse for leaving early.
Seekrit message to Lee:
Kat--I hope you feel less at the end of your rope than you did yesterday.
ita, my rope is mostly gone. I just had an extremely upsetting phone call withe Grace's doctor and I have a job interview in less than 3 hours. Can't really concentrate or get my face unpuffied.
Ah, fuck, Kat. I'm so sorry to hear that.
Kat, I'm sorry to hear that.