Have you heard from S. and others, Juliana?
About 75%. A bunch of people are in summer stock outside of the city, and the timing means the ones who are still in the Cities were probably either in rehearsal or at home at the time of the collapse. My core group is fine. The one I'm most worried about is Carl, actually, since he lives so close to the bridge & uses is every day.
Thank you for asking - I appreciate it.
I'm glad the 75% is okay, and that you hear from Carl soon.
The school bus made me choke up when I was reading it to Mr. Jane.
The universe is conspiring to keep me from talking to my friend in Houston. He's been working late, and I've been going to bed early. He called earlier, but I was driving in a shitstorm and said I'd call after I settled in at home and Mr. Jane was off to work. Called a bit ago and got voicemail.
Why am I not supposed to talk to Seth? Is he going to tell me something awful or are we going to have a huge fight? What's up?
Just curious,
In other news, I have achieved passport and my name is now correctly spelled. All told, it took only 3 weeks from the day I mailed it.
yoiks. scary bridge stuff.
I had other thoughts, but they have vanished. sara, did you finish laundry?
That's comforting as I seem to have misplaced my birth certificate and need to get mine for Novemeber. Eeep!
I'm refraining from freaking out about my family in Mnpls because I don't know their commutes, except they are short and local. At least, I hope they still are. A couple of cousins, my aunt and uncle. And some should be in Maine. So.
I'm betting the combo of heat and construction are the culprit.
Hey Robin, congrats on the homeownership! That's very exciting.
That's comforting as I seem to have misplaced my birth certificate and need to get mine for Novemeber. Eeep!
Well, Scola is still waiting for his after 10 weeks. And the Post Office told me to expect about 14. I can only assume that the fact that my name on my application didn't exactly match their files pulled me out of the normal queue.
megan, that's awesome fast!
sara, did you finish laundry?
Yes, ma'am. I'm a little more chilled out now. There was just a flurry of waiting for machines and updating resumes and freaking out and making the bed and putting away clothes and making lists and making more lists and ....I'm a simple girl. I get all whackaloon with alterations to my daily routine unless I'm completely outside my usual routine. Then I'm fine.