I love Bobby, but I don't think he's being used particularly well in the show. He's basically a plot device brought in to solve a problem for Dean and Sam, and other than the one episode about his wife's death, he's gotten no character development of his own.
It's not that I don't want to see him, but I want to see him used well, and I don't think he is.
I'm on 'Suela's bench here.
But I did love the panic room--even though the salt would have eaten through the iron walls in about three months' time. The *idea* of it was just so nifty.
The *idea* of it was just so nifty.
The idea of the panic room was FUCKING AWESOME. I still think that's my favorite thing the show has done, ever.
have a new day and time? Starting when? After Turkey Day? Is it permanent?
Uh, not so far as I know.
Where did you hear that?
This scifiwire piece doesn't mention a move but it does say that episode 10 is the fall finale.
That's next week's episode - next new one after next week is January.
Oh, they're doing that Croatoan-Hunted cliffhanger thing. Bastards.
I much prefer a 6-7 week hiatus to the dreaded rerun/rerun/new episode/rerun/rerun pattern that typifies the Thanksgiving through New Years television offerings.
They're repeating Lazarus Rising on Thanksgiving Day.
So, no new episode tonight, right? (Thank goodness, actually, because I should not be watching TV, I should be writing.)