( continues...) "Everything involves music for you people," Mal said with a snort, and then held up his hands when Lance glared at him. "What, what? It's a good analogy."
"So what Lance is saying," Chris said, slowly, to Mal, "is that you're really working for God. Have been all along."
"Well, in essence...." Mal trailed off. "It's more complex than that, of course, but Milton's better-to-reign-in-Hell is laughable. I was created in order to fall." JC thought, for half a second, that he saw pain in the other man's eyes. "I always knew it, too. If there is anything I rebelled against, it was this: that the Name allowed me to know beforehand what it was that I would be giving up. Lucifer the Morningstar, captain of the host of angels, first among equals, beloved of the Name. Cherished and loved and respected. Who better to take on such a task? But oh, how I wish it had not been necessary."
Having studied music for years, that whole analogy helped clarify some thought processes for me. I was brought up Roman Catholic; I haven't yet checked to see how it compares/contrasts with that theology.