I finally got to watch the episode, and ya know...
Holy shit, this show is so fucking awesome this season. I don't normally capslock about this show, but I kind of feel like running around yelling HOLY SHIT MARY WAS A HUNTER and HOLY SHIT THE YED KILLED THEIR GRANDPARENTS and HOLY SHIT HE KILLED JOHN and HOLY SHIT MARY MADE A DEAL and HOLY SHIT THERE'S STILL AN ENDGAME PAST DISCOUNT DEMON ARMY and HOLY SHIT GOD IS GOING TO SMITE SAM.
Okay, I was enthralled while it was on. But yes, Dean was there pretty much strictly as an observer. He got to meet his mommy and tug at heartstrings, but he didn't really affect anything. Castiel made vague pronouncements but didn't provide any concrete or useful information. ("You need to stop it." Yeah, that helped a hell of a lot.)
Sam was given, what, 30 seconds and one line of screen time? So this has now become officially "Supernatural: The Dean Winchester Show." I didn't want them to take the Sam goes evil route of storytelling, because by now it seems too expected and cliche, but now I think I'm almost looking forward to it if it will at least get him on screen more often.
And all three of the Winchester males turn out to be zombies. Huh.
Don't blame the writers for Sam not being there. JP had other things he had to do.
Mitch was awesome, both as Samuel (I liked that twinkle and the little grin) and as Azazel. And I loooooved Gramma Deanna. Nice sturdy damn stock, those Campbells.
Oooh, that was FUN tv! Funnest in a while!
I have GOT to stop coming in here on Thursday nights before I see the episode, though.
Man, that was fun.
Now I have to rewatch season 1 all over again!!!
Oh, and tv guide has an interview with Mitch Pileggi. That's not the exact link but. . you should be able to find it no troub.
I bet that Mary's family didn't have any connections in Lawrence. Given that they were hunters: the Granpa Sam's family were probably all dead and maybe Granma Deanna's too. Want that story NOW.
And why must the promo be so non-"to be continuedy"?
CW Source interview with Misha Collins.
Mentions something that might be considered spoilery but not if you've been listening to/reading all of Misha's interviews.
I watched that last night, thinking that it was only spoilery for last night's ep, but I thought the spoilery thing was pretty darn. I've been hard core at avoiding being spoiled though.
And I loooooved Gramma Deanna.
I liked her too! She's in
I was happy to see her in the credits.
Also, until I came here, I totally didn't pick up on the Deanna/Dean thing. I was thinking her name was "Diana" with a weird pronunciation, so I thought they were making a "Sam and Diane" joke.
There's a cw connect interview with Jared Padalecki. It may be really old and I've only watched part 1 - but it is very amusing and also non-spoilery.
Plus - JA makes a couple of cameo appearances.
John Winchester, possible Trekkie and Sonny and Cher fan, is the moment that gives me giggles from last night.
I'm still behind the flail firewall after my second watch. I love the way Mary cradling John echos Sam cradling Dean. So many little visuals that have me go EEEE!!!!!!!