And I loooooved Gramma Deanna.
I liked her too! She's in
I was happy to see her in the credits.
Also, until I came here, I totally didn't pick up on the Deanna/Dean thing. I was thinking her name was "Diana" with a weird pronunciation, so I thought they were making a "Sam and Diane" joke.
There's a cw connect interview with Jared Padalecki. It may be really old and I've only watched part 1 - but it is very amusing and also non-spoilery.
Plus - JA makes a couple of cameo appearances.
John Winchester, possible Trekkie and Sonny and Cher fan, is the moment that gives me giggles from last night.
I'm still behind the flail firewall after my second watch. I love the way Mary cradling John echos Sam cradling Dean. So many little visuals that have me go EEEE!!!!!!!
I keep trying to figure out how Mary and John deal with her dad's body; how does she explain her now stabbed-to-death father? Do they call the cops?
Well, clearly they don't blame it on Dean, or she wouldn't want to use the name later...
And they don't leave town - because that's where they were living ten years later.
I keep trying to figure out how Mary and John deal with her dad's body; how does she explain her now stabbed-to-death father? Do they call the cops?
And (for me) how John dealt with the fact that his oldest son looks exactly like that weirdass stranger from back in '73.
But then my brain starts going
again, and it gets lost in the flail.
I keep trying to figure out how Mary and John deal with her dad's body; how does she explain her now stabbed-to-death father? Do they call the cops?
I'm guessing Samuel was blamed for murder-suicide and nobody pushed Mary too hard with questions because it upset her too much.
I've only watched once so far (I know, bad fan -- no cookie!), and I woke up today wondering: what happened to the Colt? Does anyone else remember? Dean picked it up at the Campbell's house on his way out to rescue Mary, because he had it when he found Mary cradling John and kissing Azazel (in her father's body, which is just icky beyond the telling of it), didn't he? But then Castiel flapped his wings or whatever and Dean reappeared in the present (with the journal again one assumes) but also I'm assuming without the Colt since we know it had to be back at Elkins' cabin for the guys to have acquired it a year and a half or so ago. Dean had told Elkins it would be in Lawrence with the Campbell family, but by the time Elkins would have arrived the only member left would be Mary, by now a Winchester... are we supposing she picked up the Colt and held onto it until Elkins arrived to retrieve it? So Mary had the Colt for a while?
I'm guessing Samuel was blamed for murder-suicide and nobody pushed Mary too hard with questions because it upset her too much.
This sounds very plausible to me. I keep wondering what Liddy remembered of her evening with the YED, and whether she ever said anything about it, or brought up the mysterious stranger who helped Mary and her dad fight the YED off.
And I think that John just saw his baby boy--by the time Dean had matured enough to resemble the stranger John met in the diner, he just saw Dean. And he'd been through so much since that brief meeting he probably didn't remember what the guy looked like.