Quick search on LJ for Castiel as an interest - produced:
Results for communities interested in "castiel"
8 matches:
deancastiel - Touched by an Angel - A Dean/Castiel Community (Updated 42 minutes ago)
fromperdition - Because we have fangirling for you. (Updated 46 minutes ago)
A Community Dedicated to All Things Castiel
spn_castiel - Supernatural - a Castiel community (Updated 9 hours ago)
For fans of Castiel, as portrayed by Misha Collins, on the TV show Supernatural.
spn_walls - Supernatural Walls (Updated 9 hours ago)
Supernatural Wallpaper Competiton
supernatural_es - Supernatural en español (Updated 10 hours ago)
mishacollins - Misha Collins (Updated 10 hours ago)
This is a community dedicated to the actor Misha Collins
spn_addict - "It takes two to, you know, have hardcore sex." (Updated 20 hours ago)
burythehorizon - burythehorizon (Updated 2 days ago)
Graphics by pignapoke
Misha Collins: Well, one of the things that I've done is I have been reading Revelations. Have you ever read Revalations?
No one's read Revelations. They may have read Revelation, though.
Thanks for posting the non-spoilery bits, sumi. The part about his audition is really interesting and amusing. Oh, Kripke.
Apparently the latest issue of the Supernatural comic comes with a mini-Ghostfacers comic written by Kripke.
An amusing but non-spoilery bit from the TV Addict interview:
Do you yourself believe in angels?
Good question.
Thanks but I can’t take credit for it. It was actually a reader’s question [Thanks Claudia!]
So this is a plagerized question?
Yes, it’s a Joe Biden question.
[Laughs] I can’t say that I believe in angels but I can’t say that I don’t believe in angels. I’m open to the possibility of their existence although I don’t have any verifiable empirical evidence that they do exist
Great answer! Have you ever considered running for office?
I actually have. I was planning on going into politics before I was an actor. I interned at the White House but became so disillusioned with politics after interning in the White House that I turned to what some might consider an equally nefarious career.
I like the guy more with every answer I hear. But it's just as well he got out of politics early... I don't imagine someone with a name like Misha Dmitri Tippens Krushnic would face an easy time winning a national election in this country.
he's so articulate. thanks for posting the snippets, sumi.
who else wants to see his audition on the season four dvds? *raises hand*
I do, I do, I do.
Thanks sumi for posting those bits.
we have somewhat of an enthusiastic fan-base
heh. yeah.
Oh, yes - must see that audition!
You guys are welcome.
Let's see - good looking, talented AND smart. It's really too much.
I am still impressed that they kept things so well under wraps regarding Castiel.