An amusing but non-spoilery bit from the TV Addict interview:
Do you yourself believe in angels?
Good question.
Thanks but I can’t take credit for it. It was actually a reader’s question [Thanks Claudia!]
So this is a plagerized question?
Yes, it’s a Joe Biden question.
[Laughs] I can’t say that I believe in angels but I can’t say that I don’t believe in angels. I’m open to the possibility of their existence although I don’t have any verifiable empirical evidence that they do exist
Great answer! Have you ever considered running for office?
I actually have. I was planning on going into politics before I was an actor. I interned at the White House but became so disillusioned with politics after interning in the White House that I turned to what some might consider an equally nefarious career.
I like the guy more with every answer I hear. But it's just as well he got out of politics early... I don't imagine someone with a name like Misha Dmitri Tippens Krushnic would face an easy time winning a national election in this country.
he's so articulate. thanks for posting the snippets, sumi.
who else wants to see his audition on the season four dvds? *raises hand*
I do, I do, I do.
Thanks sumi for posting those bits.
we have somewhat of an enthusiastic fan-base
heh. yeah.
Oh, yes - must see that audition!
You guys are welcome.
Let's see - good looking, talented AND smart. It's really too much.
I am still impressed that they kept things so well under wraps regarding Castiel.
No one's read Revelations.
Who do we think made the mistake, the person writing the interview or Misha?
They may have read Revelation, though.
Not me. That book is hella scary.
From the Eclipse Magazine interview with Misha Collins:
I asked Collins if he thought that over the course of time, Castiel might become influenced by Dean in any way or if Castiel will have more influence over Dean.
“I don’t really know where this is going,” he says of the ongoing story arc. “but I do know that Castiel begins to understand humans more as time progresses and I definitely think that he develops a real respect for Dean.”
So I asked Misha Collins some hard-hitting questions looking for more in-depth spoilers to share with Eclipse readers.
Does that mean that Castiel might suddenly acquire an addiction to pie?
“To be honest, I’m not yet sure Castiel eats at all. He may be anorexic.”
Did he think that Dean and Castiel might become buddies enough that Dean would let the angel drive the Impala?
“I don’t think they give out driver’s licenses in heaven.”
It was obvious that even angels live in fear of ‘the Kripke’ when it came to divulging spoilers. However I did get one thing out of Misha Collins. Apparently Castiel’s favorite music is Rachmaninov’s Vespers. Somehow I’m thinking that’s not gonna go over too well with Dean Winchester if Castiel tries to pipe that through the Impala’s speakers!
And finally:
One last thing I was most curious about was would Castiel be getting a wardrobe change or will he continue to dress like a ‘holy tax accountant’?
“Kripke wanted to base the look of the character on the comic book character ‘Constantine’ I don’t know if I’m ever going to change clothes. Maybe they will eventually be worn to tatters and I will morph from “holy tax accountant” to “holy homeless guy.”
Kripke wanted to base the look of the character on the comic book character ‘Constantine’
Ooh, nice to get confirmation on that.
And...dammit, Wikipedia informs me that it's actually pronounced "ConstanTINE," not "ConstanTEEN."
Sumi, that article you posted a link to on Wincest is an awesomely interesting read. Thanks for that, as well as the Misha-Castiel stuff.