Damn, I've been guilted into not looking. Luckily, I now have lots of brand new good fic to read. Whee!!
tiggy, for any other show, I consider casting and promotional teasers or commercials released into public domain to NOT be a spoiler. This is the first (and hopefully only) time that I will be this hard-core spoiler free. I will do it for the first episode. After that I want to see some of the behind the scenes stuff, so....I will be spoiled.
And I can't read or hear anyone that has reasons to the contrary...la, la, la, can't hear you.
Embrace the spoiler. The spoiler is your friend.
Now, see, that I can hear.
Consuela, your summergen story is the finest kind of crackfic. It's going in my memories.
As Anne's is.
I realize now that I read Nutty's summergen SPN fic when it was first posted, and as does a lot of her stuff, it left me breathless and inarticulate.
It's here, if you haven't read it.
The IMDB has episode stills from 4.1 and 4.2.
I read Nutty's summergen SPN fic when it was first posted
That was one I didn't read at the time because of time constraints. I just read it now, and wow.
There's some good stuff that came out of this year's exchange.
Consuela, your summergen story is the finest kind of crackfic. It's going in my memories.
Thank you, Beverly!
I wonder, what makes something crackfic, anyway? I mean, it wasn't conceived of as crackfic, really. The prompt was "evil puppets" and once you have to deal with that, I pretty much played it straight. I didn't go campy, like they did on "Smile Time". But I can see why one would call it crackfic, because, dude, evil puppets!
I just didn't think that was what I was writing when I wrote it, if you know what I mean.
I love Nutty's story and I'm so pleased to be the inspiration for such an awesome examination of the amnesia trope. It goes seriously sideways from where most fans would have taken it, which I love. Much less emo, and more psychologically complex and realistic. Yet still very moving.
Re: that interview with Jim Beaver, it pleases me to hear someone who takes his profession, if not himself, seriously say that Jared is "really, really good at what he does," and Jensen is "deeply devoted to what he does for a living," in addition to being variously "irreverent", "sweet", "funny," and a "rascal".
In a profession where many coast along on their looks or who they know, or conversely portray themselves as srs actrs, it's nice to know there are people who work at it, but are still devoted to having fun.