Have spent a good chunk of today rewatching S2, just finished Part I of All Hell Breaks Loose. Man.... On to Part II.
I had planned on canceling my S3 order from Amazon and hitting Best Buy tomorrow, but they shipped it before I had the chance. I hope that means it will actually appear tomorrow. The die cast would have been a nice treat though. Darn it.
You could always give one set as a Christmas present to someone you really loooove who doesn't live with you.
Not that...I've done that. Or anything.
I scraped to afford the one set - if I could afford two, I would SO do that.
I scraped to afford the one set
I've done that, too. Maybe there'll be a car up on ebay before long, for cheap.
People over at TWOP's Metallicar thread were reading that press release from the die-cast model company very closely and believe that they may be releaseing the Impala on it's own at some point.
Well if they do, maybe they'll get it right and make it a four-door this time.
I love that you put that here, accident or not.
It was no accident. I heard about it from my bff who is a big SPN fan and also a big Mullet-head rock fan. She was sickened.