Oh, Epic, you poor wee scone! Well, and lucky wee scone also, but, yes, I totally understand.
Much as I love the "no,seriously, I'm not in middle school, just reduced to acting that way" solidarity, I may love even more that Fay called me a baked good. I love nicknames, and am A Dork. As mentioned previously.
We should clone him.
I'm soooo in.
Oh, and did I mention that I also spoke to Joss at this Con? And He Answered Me!!!1!!!11?
I was standing in the hall with a couple friends after we saw Dr. Horrible (one of the overflow rooms, we couldn't get into the Main Event - they never fail to underestimate Joss and the crowds he will draw and put him in insufficient rooms), and I look at a small crowd behind us to see the cast of "The Guild", and say to my friends, "Hey, the cast of 'The Guild'. Cool." Then my eyes pan left and spot NF, and I go, "Oh Holee Crap, it's Nathan! We need to move closer to them. I don't need to speak to anyone or get a picture or autograph, but we need to be closer to them." But as we're preparing to move closer, the crowd shifts toward us, which is when I notice that Joss is heading up this crowd. As he passed I knew I had to Say Something, so I managed a semi-casual "We worship you, Joss!" To which he replied, "Good. Keep it up!"
Unfortunately, as the Joss Incident was Friday night and the Jensen Affaire was Sunday afternoon - I apparently get lamer with age rather than more mature.
But I'm still burble-y anyway!