Oh, Epic, you poor wee scone! Well, and lucky wee scone also, but, yes, I totally understand. The only time I remotely had an encounter with a celebrity (Michael Palin) my friends and I stared openmouthed as he walked towards us, stared openmouthed as he waved and said "Hello!", stared openmouthed as he walked past us to start shooting a scene.
When I spotted him relaxing between takes a little later the same day, I did manage to sidle up and say "ScuseMeCouldIHaveYourAutographPlease?", whilst being redder than a red thing. And that was as much in the way of social skills as I could muster. Since my pen didn't work, and then the next pen didn't work, and then the one after that, I think I managed to stammer out something clumsy about us both being from South Yorkshire, and fancy the both of us being in Oxford today! Oh, my wit and cool - bow before it!
(Granted I was 16 at the time, but I fear that I'd be much the same today.)
Whilst Michael Palin is perhaps my number one choice of Person To Be Stuck In An Elevator With, and whilst I did have something of a crush on him, I'm afraid that if faced with the preternatural prettiness of an Ackles, whose mad actin' skillz I admire (because, you know, pretty and not so much with the talented - probably easier to not get one's knickers in a twist over?), and who does look quite remarkably like Dean Winchester*...yeah. I'm impressed that you could manage verbal, love.
*...does this make any sense outside my head? My affection for characters is quite different from my feelings about the various actors who portray them. But there's sometimes some overlap, so it can be a bit head-go-boom.