sumi, you may have already seen these clips, but I watched them and could understand it really well.
This user had panels from SPN, Dollhouse (Tahmoh is too darling for words), Torchwood and Doctor Who. Jackpot! I only saw a few seconds of the Dollhouse panel other than SPN so I can't vouch for quality and I can only assume all are full of some degree of spoilers.
SPN is spoilery for next season. Nothing major that would make you go OMFGPolarBear! but still any promotion at this point is going to qualify as spoilery. Thought I would offer that warning to anyone else clicking the link. To their credit, they are pretty careful about not letting important info out and the humor is totally worth it. I think the biggest spoilers mentioned are casting or not casting people.
Thanks - I'll watch those once I'm done with the BSG panel.
A plot-spoilery for S4 interview at ComicCon with JA. The interviewer was a PA on Ten Inch Hero, so the recognition factor works for her. Here's the link.
And for those who don't want to venture there, an audio clip about the wirework for the final shot of Dean in 3.16.
Also from that interview, for those abstaining, here's the explanation for this picture
"So what were Jensen and Jared doing in that photo I posted yesterday? Here’s the scoop. At the end of the press conference, the boys were rushed into a photo shoot with everyone taking shots of them at the same time. The flashes were going off fast and furious and it left the J’s a bit shell shocked, not to mention blind. So the first few snaps were kind of “mug shot,” and me, being the girl who doesn’t always realize she’s talking out loud, suggested they give us something more interesting, like say “your best male model pose?” Next thing I know Jensen is unbuttoning his shirt and Jared is doing a ducky-lipped version of Blue Steel. Search around on the Internet and you’ll also find a “Captain Morgan” pose which I wasn’t fast enough to capture."
One of my favorite things from the ComicCon vids was when the panel was asked if there would ever be a ghost town western ep of SPN. JA answered that the whole show is sort of a western, with the car as a horse, and two cowboys...
There was a swelling murmur in the crowd, and JA goes, "Easy... easy. Easy." Just funny.
that was my favorite part too!
ahaha! Yeah, they blushed. They are such cutie patooties!
A mockery-fan site about JA got shut down today by the actor's management. Apparently some of the material on the site was pretty offensive, and without even sending a C&D, the lawyers filed a lawsuit.
Understandable reaction, but rather over the top. A C&D would probably have done it.
Is that the link to the site, or someone talking about it? The journal has been deleted.
Bless you, Consuela. I saw veiled references to Jensen and his lawyers doing something on another blog, but couldn't figure out WTH was going on.