A plot-spoilery for S4 interview at ComicCon with JA. The interviewer was a PA on Ten Inch Hero, so the recognition factor works for her. Here's the link.
And for those who don't want to venture there, an audio clip about the wirework for the final shot of Dean in 3.16.
Also from that interview, for those abstaining, here's the explanation for this picture
"So what were Jensen and Jared doing in that photo I posted yesterday? Here’s the scoop. At the end of the press conference, the boys were rushed into a photo shoot with everyone taking shots of them at the same time. The flashes were going off fast and furious and it left the J’s a bit shell shocked, not to mention blind. So the first few snaps were kind of “mug shot,” and me, being the girl who doesn’t always realize she’s talking out loud, suggested they give us something more interesting, like say “your best male model pose?” Next thing I know Jensen is unbuttoning his shirt and Jared is doing a ducky-lipped version of Blue Steel. Search around on the Internet and you’ll also find a “Captain Morgan” pose which I wasn’t fast enough to capture."