There may be spoilers in this interview with Todd Farmer about My Bloody Valentine.
The relevant paragraph is near the end:
TF: There's no camp. There's some real humor that comes out of real situations but no camp. It's still creepy and still atmospheric. These are real people facing real scares and real brutality. And when I say "real" I mean quirky and flawed and loving and pissed off and brilliant. And much of that brilliance is due to the actors. Jensen Ackles is a force of nature, always surprising you with his choices. Patrick calls him a young Steve McQueen.
Have we posted this vid? I think not:
Fay in particular needs to see this.
You can get download links here:
The episode made me wince a bit because it was doing that contrived A Very Special Episode thing, but I loved the flashbacks to Wee!Dean and Wee!Sam (for I am always a sucker for that)
Am I the only person who winces at the oh so terrible acting of Wee!Dean? ("Shut Up! Don't you Ever say Anything about Mom!") It yanks me out of what I know is supposed to be a heart-tugging scene every time.
I've seen Ridge Canipe in other things, and he's a very organic actor. I tend to think his performance in the Christmas ep was director failure. It wasn't optimal, that's for sure.
Nice one, Consuela, thank you!
Oh, that was
I continue to be of the opinion that Faith and Dean would be
very very good
for one another. And should have lots of babies.
(I can't think of any other characters that I wish domesticity upon - but the notion of those two crazy kids on the road, raising a handful of monster-slaying brats...just a lot of adorability right there. And they both CRAVE family. I'm not sure whether Sammy would be part of this scenario...probably, though.)
Ooo, I quite enjoyed that vid.
(I can't think of any other characters that I wish domesticity upon - but the notion of those two crazy kids on the road, raising a handful of monster-slaying brats...just a lot of adorability right there. And they both CRAVE family. I'm not sure whether Sammy would be part of this scenario...probably, though.)
Oh,yes. Wonderful. (and by "scenario...")
Am I the only person who winces at the oh so terrible acting of Wee!Dean?
Not the only one. I cringed at those scenes, and at those of the alleged Dean spawn rocking on earlier this season too. Really, the only child actor I've liked on this show was the first girl who played Lilith.
Man. I'm reading the scheduling thread over at TWOP and now they're suggesting October 2nd or September 18th for the premiere.
I wish the CW would just announce the dates already.
BTW, I did not watch SPN last night: I hear that there were cw newsflashes that ran during the show including some interesting casting news. Did you guys see it? (I read on TWOP what the news was. . . but didn't want to talk about it until I was sure that it really did air.)