So, I watched the rerun of M7 tonight and was sort of amused to see that the farmhouse where they found the dead "sloth" family was Bobby's house from Dream a Little Dream of Me, right down to the clothesline in the front yard. They just gave it a really *bright* blue paintjob for the dream episode.
Also, at least two members of the "dead sloth family" were at the dead guy's birthday party in Ghostfacers.
My OCD, let me show you it.
I think - some of the covers are the guy who did the cover I linked to but there are other covers as well.
I'm hanging at my friend S.'s house while she and her dad are at the Indy 500.
We had a final four ep SPN marathon yesterday with her sister, nephew and dad. S. has a cool idea: what if Ruby comes back and inhabits Dean's body. That way, JA could play Ruby and Sam would have to deal with a thing looking like Dean but so NOT BEING DEAN. I think it would be fun. And then we'd still have JA while Dean is in hell.
That would be fun, but I thought the body had to be alive for the demon to inhabit it. You might do something to kill it dead once the demon is in it, but the demon will keep the body going until the demon is ousted.
We saw in M7 that a demon could occupy a corpse when one did that to Isaac.
Good thing you've got a memory. I'd mess up canon so bad if I was a fic writer.
Me too. No way did I remember that. But that makes me not want it as a story line because decomposing Dean? Yuckers.
Fair warning: The link has the special effects and green screening of Dean in Hell. Gross, yet I'm fascinated by the fx stuff. [link]
The thing is besides me wanting to raspberry his tummy it looks like they are harnessing him but I didn't think he looked harnessed in the episode. I may need to rewatch.
But that makes me not want it as a story line because decomposing Dean?
Well, Ruby's body has been dead for ten months and we've seen no decomposition. I think demon-occupation staves that kind of thing off.
It is, at least, one possible solution of what to do with Dean's body while Sam's figuring out how to get his soul out of Hell.
I was thinking that but wasn't Isaac pretty messed up? So Dean's body would be torn to shreds from the hell hounds, not continuing to decompose, probably, but looking a little like Joyce's shadow when Dawn was trying to bring her back? Of course I'm guessing. I would be perfectly happy to have Dean without the tears. Tears being the rips, not the one-perfect-thing that rolls out of his eye.