Fair warning: The link has the special effects and green screening of Dean in Hell. Gross, yet I'm fascinated by the fx stuff. [link]
The thing is besides me wanting to raspberry his tummy it looks like they are harnessing him but I didn't think he looked harnessed in the episode. I may need to rewatch.
But that makes me not want it as a story line because decomposing Dean?
Well, Ruby's body has been dead for ten months and we've seen no decomposition. I think demon-occupation staves that kind of thing off.
It is, at least, one possible solution of what to do with Dean's body while Sam's figuring out how to get his soul out of Hell.
I was thinking that but wasn't Isaac pretty messed up? So Dean's body would be torn to shreds from the hell hounds, not continuing to decompose, probably, but looking a little like Joyce's shadow when Dawn was trying to bring her back? Of course I'm guessing. I would be perfectly happy to have Dean without the tears. Tears being the rips, not the one-perfect-thing that rolls out of his eye.
Dean without the tears
I have to admit, the first thing I thought of was the "one-perfect-thing that rolls out of his eye," and I was nodding my head in agreement that yes, he needs to do a little less lachrymal emoting.
what if Ruby comes back and inhabits Dean's body. That way, JA could play Ruby and Sam would have to deal with a thing looking like Dean but so NOT BEING DEAN. I think it would be fun.
You know, I kind of really like this idea. I can see where it would get tiresome after a few episodes, so Sam would need to figure out how to get Dean back pretty quickly, but it could be amusing in the short run.
Boy got some nice arms, doesn't he? Thanks for the link, Austin.
And okay, for the thought of raspberrying the tummy. WANT.
(Same spoiler warning as Austin's link) Okay. From this, they're filming vertical for horizontal, and he's definitely harnessed.
I have to recommend this Dean/Ellen fic. It's hot, and heartbreaking, and...guh.
Thanks for that link, Anne. Read it, FB'd it, mem'd it, rec'd it. Gonna go read it again. So beautiful.
Guh is right. I don't know who I find more attractive, but the two of them together just really work for me. That is the Dean that Kripke loses out by not showing us. Dean adores his momma, worshipped Carmen and Cassie. I can easily buy Dean having a thing for Ellen.
what if Ruby comes back and inhabits Dean's body. That way, JA could play Ruby and Sam would have to deal with a thing looking like Dean but so NOT BEING DEAN.
Would Jensen pose with his hands on his hips all the time and do that head bob thing Ruby does? I am seeing a flurry of icon building and vidding if that comes to pass.
Plus, the return of flattering hair grooming for Dean.