Bobby was AWESOME! The line about family not ending at blood? Guh.
And Jared really did so well, as well as Jensen. The tears! The laughter as he got into the Bon Jovi singalong! I just want to hug them both and write them fan letters and generally embarrass myself.
Now I'm thinking about that poor child Lilith was possessing. How much does she remember of killing her grandpa and slaughtering her pet?
Gah. It gets worse the more I think about it.
And yes, the line about family not ending at blood was made of pure awesome.
That whole part was CREEPY. Small children doing evil freaks me out.
It irked that they didn't have the other Lilth, though. I mean, how busy could that other little girl have been?
Bobby getting exasperated with the boys is just too good.
My favorite Dean moment was his quiet "Just no" early on. Under playing it heightened the tension. Also when he reminded Sam to remember what he taught him besides what John taught him.
I always expect JA to be excellent, but I still get a thrill from how much JP has improved in his acting over the series. It's been like watching his acting graduate school.
Seconding the Ruby/Katie non-hate for this ep.
And her being possessed? by Lilith explained her wonky behavior of "I can't help you now, it's too late! Hey, let me tag along and help anyway! We're in this together!"
Dean's goodbye at the end, and Sam's expression, wow. Just, such a higher level of emotional truth from both the actors. They really did bring it. And for an ep of this magnitude, it needed that, and they didn't disappoint.
Also when he reminded Sam to remember what he taught him besides what John taught him.
That killed me about three times over.
I got a happy out of seeing them do the stretchy-face thing with Sam. It's a scary-but-cheesy effect, and JP's long face just seems made for it.
Random comments, in no particular order:
"Hey, that hellhound picture is by Todd Lockwood! I sure hope they paid him to use it!"
(Yes, that was from Pete.)
I am one of the few people who liked Ruby from the start, so it was nice to see her be all bad-ass and smack the boys around. I'm sad Lilith killed her off.
Dear Show, the Seal of Solomon DOESN'T WORK THAT WAY. Please stop using it like that, because you're causing permanent damage to my eye rolling muscles.
Bobby is awesome. And smart.
Extra-creepy little girl! Yay! (Yeah, I like that trope, even tho' it's over-used.)
So, how many of us called Dean dying at the end of this? I know I did. Next season, let's watch Sam go crazy and accept his Dark Powers of Spookiness!