I wondered about that. I'm not as interested in Show exploring the "good" side, but that might be a possibility.
Although Ruby did look like she was being honest about Sam not coming from "heaven"
eta: then again, if they explore the fighting angels a la Dogma, that would be interesting
Well, it was a pretty white light.
It was Mary, protecting him with her Love against She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named!
So Azazel had great plans for Sammy, which might have included overthrowing Lilith, Ruby wants this, Lilith does not and must get rid of him before he takes up the mantle of his special demonic destiny?
I still can't believe they actually showed Dead!Dean in the promos for this ep.
I have to watch again, but it looked to me like the white light was coming *from* Lilith (maybe because of the white eyes?) and my first kind of ooky thought was, "Oh god, she wants a consort." Which seemed ooky because Lilith the demon is clearly either Drusilla crazy or really a child or both.
but it looked to me like the white light was coming *from* Lilith
Yes. And she was quite surprised when whatever that light was supposed to do didn't do it.
I took the white light to be coming from Lilith as well, and the idea that she's a demon born of a child makes sense out of the wtf? I was getting watching her play house and wondering "would a demon really think that torturing that poor woman be worth being annoyed by having to hear the same story over and over again?". Unless she really is/was a child.
I have to watch again. I was too busy throwing up from her eyes rolling in her head. Dude--sometimes fx can be too good.
Oh, and back to Dean's voice: how much did I love that he hit that hoarse cracked note early on in the ep? So freaking raw.
I know, Juliebird! God, he just sounded wrecked. I even heard a little Texas in there.
And his face! His pretty, pretty, injured, expressive face. Broke. My. Heart. That smile right as the clock struck. Jesus.
There really wasn't a lot to choose between which brother to feel for this ep. I think both actors hit it out of the park. And this was maybe the first ep when I really liked Katie.
How great (and still alive! woohoo!) was Bobby?