adfas fads j;oire mmrp;h!!1!!!
Sweet Jesus on a bicycle. I can't remember any other episode of any show that's had me jittering with excitement and fear and dread and running around the house doing jazz hands of panic during the commercial breaks.
I *did* think the show was gonna go the "Sam kills the now innocent little girl" route, and have the demon be in the mom and then Lilith would gloat over what she tricked Sam into doing.
brutal is the right word, emotionally and watching Dean get ripped to shreds *cries* (Raoul will be happy).
I do really like that they had the nerve to actually show Dean in Hell, though.
That was a pretty amazing vision of Hell, too.
I'm still in shock, overall.
Sweet Jesus on a bicycle. I can't remember any other episode of any show that's had me jittering with excitement and fear and dread and running around the house doing jazz hands of panic during the commercial breaks.
for when people ask why they should watch Show.
Was it twilight zone or creepshow?
Twilight Zone based on Jerome Bixby's short story "It's a Good Life."
His shoulder. OUCH.
Yeah, but it's the other shoulder, for a change.
What y'all said, all of it. With one addendum:
Bon Jovi ROCKS. On occasion.
As long as I'm in the business of floating crazy theories:
You know... we didn't actually see Sam do anything to attack Lillith. We saw her attempt to attack, we saw it fail, we saw Sam move toward her, we saw her run away in fear.
What if Sam doesn't have any powers at all? What if something else was protecting him?
I wondered about that. I'm not as interested in Show exploring the "good" side, but that might be a possibility.
Although Ruby did look like she was being honest about Sam not coming from "heaven"
eta: then again, if they explore the fighting angels a la Dogma, that would be interesting
Well, it was a pretty white light.
It was Mary, protecting him with her Love against She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named!
So Azazel had great plans for Sammy, which might have included overthrowing Lilith, Ruby wants this, Lilith does not and must get rid of him before he takes up the mantle of his special demonic destiny?
I still can't believe they actually showed Dead!Dean in the promos for this ep.