Hard to discuss dark chemical formulas that might bring your brother back from the dead if the dark chemist in question no longer has any vocal cords.
Okay, fair point. But it leads me back to Dear Sam, don't muck around with alchemy. Just. Don't.
Just the fact that in such a gory episode (oh god he's cutting the guys rib cage open! Oh god he's splitting it open!
I liked the cutting & splitting. Well, not liked in a
Jilli is a serial killer
sort of way, but gore doesn't bother me, and I was all "Oh hey, he's using a rib splitter! Good effect!"
The more I think about Bela, the more annoyed I get. Partially because of the abused girl trope, partially because I get annoyed by anyone dumb enough to think that dealing with demons will work. (Yes, I think Dean is a moron in this regard, and I felt the same way about John and his deal. My occult and metaphysical issues, you know them.)
And the guy who was doing the cutting was Billy Drago--Nitti from the Untouchables, though I'm sure he's done work since then.
I had a thought along the lines of "Wow, John Bly has had a rough time of it since the Old West."
Of course, Bela was only about 12 when she sold her soul - perhaps if she'd been, say, 27-30 she wouldn't have made that choice.
Of course, Bela was only about 12 when she sold her soul - perhaps if she'd been, say, 27-30 she wouldn't have made that choice.
When I was 12, I would have known better than to sell MY soul grumble grumble grumble
...Yet more proof that Hell doesn't have a law school! I'm pretty sure that in Britain, somebody that young would not be allowed to sign a legal contract. I don't know the British equivalent of Dan'l Webster, but somebody needs someone with a firm grasp of the legal niceties in her corner.
I think she was supposed to be 14 in those flashbacks.
Per folks at the TwoP forum, I just ran Bela through the "all characters" segment of the Universal Mary Sue Litmus Test in light of the most recent revelations about her and got a score of 58.
What does that score mean?
She's less Mary Sue than you'd expect?
Maybe next season we'll get the "Adventures of Dean and Bela! In HELL!"
I will admit to having had this thought.
I have 2 questions:
1) Red eyes? wtf with red eyes?
2) Why, if Lilith wants Sam dead, would she make a deal to resurrect him?
What does that score mean?
Well, the test designer set 50+ as the cut-off point for "Kill it now." Meaning such a painfully obvious Mary Sue that no respectable author should have combined so many tropes of extra-specialness.