interesting that Sam, having seen and almost experienced and heard what the cost of that immortality was, was the one who was willing to attempt it, and that Dean, who didn't have any of that first-hand experience, dismissed it out of hand. Also interesting that he went back to his "black&white/human¬human" mindset for this instance.
I'm just so glad that Bela had a point to her existence in the show.
I'm just so glad that Bela had a point to her existence in the show.
Yes, and I'm equally glad that her existence is done. I know I've stated it before, so I won't rant again, but I don't think her character was written well enough to add to the character mix. She was dead wood.
I'm equally glad that her existence is done
forgot to qualify my statement with This.
And I'll hop on the wtf of Dean being immortal having anything to do with his normal or paranormal lifespan having absolutely nothing to do with when the hellhounds come for him.
I did have a lot of sympathy for Bela. Incest may be overused as a trope, but in real life it doesn't make it any less painful, and as a motive for a teen girl killing her parents, it certainly works for me.
Yes, but I would have been happier if the show hadn't pulled out that trope. Lots, lots happier, because I'm tired of it being used as the motivation for just about every vaguely bad-ass female character in the horror genre.
What Jilli Said.
Plus, Gwen is still infinitely cooler than Bela was.
Also, why the hell did they bury the doctor alive? Cut off his head, put it in a separate box,
lock him in the fridge and bury it. Sheesh, guys. Immortality isn't helpful if your head's been detached.
(Also, Sam, messing around with alchemy is not a clever idea. You boys are so-so at doing research for regular occult thingamies. Trying to take up the Great Work? Oh please.)
t / Jilli's usual occult rantycakes
I was thinking the same thing, Jilli, about the head.
I had tornado warnings that interrupted my sound and part of the picture throughout the episode, so I think I got maybe a third of the dialog. I'm...oddly spoiled for some things and have no idea of others.
But next week? Oh, oh, dear.
I did notice the guy at the morgue was the actor who played Daniel Elkins in Dead Man's Blood. And Dad's journal has a new binder in the hamburger-eating scene--no scuffs, very shiny.
And there was Captain Fuller! And Major Lorne, and Otto from Dark Angel. And Sam's non-flippy hair. And Dean is pretty. Oh! And the guy who was doing the cutting was Billy Drago--Nitti from the Untouchables, though I'm sure he's done work since then.
I'm sorry, I giggled at the melon baller. Of course, what else would you use to scoop out an eyeball?