Really there are two parts. The first one that I flailed about was the magic network cream and the kiss before bed. Then the second is toward the end when they are talking about spending their birthdays on set.
With my mind on the technical aspects though, I really appreciated how gracious the J's were talking about the other actors and crew and how dedicated every one is to the project.
Austin, how do you know me so well already?
(I blame my LJ.)
"I just wanted to give her a bottle of water and a hug after every take." Awww.
I can has DVDz?
Why4 I iz broke?
*grabby hands at commentaries*
The age ole dilemna: fix car or purchase object of obsession?
Check the dean_sam com on LJ--somebody's probably posted a link to it on YouTube by now.
I know it's not the same as having it in your hands to pet, but better than bowing completely to the budget. And boy, do I know that song, chorus and verse.
Juliebird - go here.
Austin, how do you know me so well already?
All it takes is one fic, and I've found a kindred spirit in the phenom.
Beverly, I thought of you when they were talking about JA's contribution to the character in WIAWNSB because you've discussed the topic here. When he was interacting with Mary for the first time. I am even more impressed with BOTH actors after the commentaries and I didn't think that was possible.
"I just wanted to give her a bottle of water and a hug after every take." Awww.
And he referred to "Tessa" as Lindsay, when so many times you hear the commentaries in other shows and they say, "that actress, I forgot her name."
What do you guys think about a W&P of the commentaries this Thursday while we are waiting for the new season? The link above is good if you are waiting to get the DVD's (which I should have done, because I know they will come down in price, but I had no self control).
I am such an acting hoor. I always want to know everybody's technique, and how they found the character notes in a scene, how much was scripted, directed, came out in reading or rehearsal, and how much was technique or intrinsic to the actor. Half of me is going, "Oh, Sam!" or "Oh, Dean!" but the other half is going, "I've seen him do that face before--when was it--oh, yeah," total inner monologue and I *try*, I do, to keep it to a minimum in-thread, but it's always on in the background in my head.
So I am frustrated at the paucity of commentary, actually. I would cheerfully have writer-director-actor commentary on almost every episode. They can't pay those people enough to do that, I know. I'm greedy. I'm an old techie, too, so I'm all a-geek at props and wardrobe, though not so much fx and makeup. One thing I'm just lately intrigued about is set lighting. I noticed in some stills (not screencaps) taken on the roadhouse set that there was really vibrant colorwash lighting on the "walls," and I couldn't help wondering if that was just for the promo stills, because the actual show is pretty monochromatic, especially the interior sets. But I love being able to catch the lighting people at their work, like the scene I was watching recently where half JP's face was shadowed, but his left eye looked like there was a lightbulb inside his skull, it was lit so bright.
Sorry. Geekrant over. For now.
Don't apologize; your rant is awesome. One of the commentaries they talked about the lighting, but I don't remember which one now. I was also surprised at how strong Kripke's opinion of the Roadhouse was. I can understand it, I was just surprised.
I, too, would love even a podcast per episode a la BSG, but they have talked SO much about the long hours that everyone puts into the filming that I can understand them not wanting to do even more. Still, it would add so much. There was so much conversation about character development with Jake as a soldier, and Fred Lane as YED, and just all the peripherals that it is a shame we don't have more. All the comments about how much attention is paid to set and props just supports the analysis of the meta that is out there and I'd love to hear more of their comments illustrating they pay attention to the details. I is greedy.