But...interstices! And...characters we would have loved had we gotten more than two minutes with them! And canon character observation from outside POVs! And, well, crackfic!
And vid-visions!
There are some shows that are magnified and made more complete by fandom, I think. If one can ignore the wankerage and kerfuffle.
I completely agree and thank the heaven above for the things you list Bev.
When I am thankful the show is explicit rather than implicit is when Betty's interpretation is different than Archie's interpretation, and Archie can't believe that Betty could ever think his characters would even consider acting in such a way. Betty thinks that Archie is intellectually challenged for proposing such a ludicrous hypothesis about her show. Archie calls Betty a whore and the mods break it up.
Fan ownership ::shudders::
Well yes, there is that.
I confess to more than a little private fan ownership. But just because in my 'verse Wash is still flying Serenity, I don't demand everybody else think the same way. I do enjoy discussion and varying PsOV and even some ardent argument occasionally, as long as, aside from the wacky fun of crackfic, fanwank at least orbits canon. But I do see what you're saying, and even agree, that fan ownership can be divisive, ridiculous and awful for a fandom.
Doesn't stop me from searching out excellent vids of extraordinary vision, or fic with perception and heart.
But that's how *I* watch teevee, and certainly nobody else needs follow my example. I just am happy there're others out there of similar mind and vaster talent than I.
in my 'verse Wash is still flying Serenity
::goes to watch Juliebird's video::
I'm hearing that the commentaries are awesome. Do we know this for sure? I haven't heard them yet.
I heard it.
::is ded::
IMToD commentary, 16:30 into the episode should give Ailleann plenty of material for fic. Good Lord.
IMToD commentary, 16:30 into the episode should give Ailleann plenty of material for fic. Good Lord.
DUDE. Now I have to go watch it again, just so I know what you're talking about!!
But I'm converting a new person to the flock right now, so it'll have to wait...
Really there are two parts. The first one that I flailed about was the magic network cream and the kiss before bed. Then the second is toward the end when they are talking about spending their birthdays on set.
With my mind on the technical aspects though, I really appreciated how gracious the J's were talking about the other actors and crew and how dedicated every one is to the project.
Austin, how do you know me so well already?
(I blame my LJ.)
"I just wanted to give her a bottle of water and a hug after every take." Awww.
I can has DVDz?
Why4 I iz broke?
*grabby hands at commentaries*
The age ole dilemna: fix car or purchase object of obsession?
Check the dean_sam com on LJ--somebody's probably posted a link to it on YouTube by now.
I know it's not the same as having it in your hands to pet, but better than bowing completely to the budget. And boy, do I know that song, chorus and verse.