Sam did have good hair in this ep.
And I always wind up staring at his shirts. Can Jp actually not get shirts that are a little longer? Or do they purposely dress Sam in the tight, slightly smallish ones? Ah, Gigantor. How I love you.
Dean's little gulp SLAYS me.
This episode is reminding me of the Hawaii Five-O-like credits I found on YouTube the other day... Lotsa footage from Tall Tales.
The over-the-top is a little wearing after awhile. Too short a while, I guess. A whole episode of it is more than makes me happy.
There are some good character points in this ep. It just makes me weary.
I get that, Bev. I mean, it doesn't make me weary, but I could see how it might.
I think what I love is that they have to call Bobby in the first place. Usually they just descend on him, amidst violence and bloodshed and chaos, desperate. This time, they were just ... baffled. And bickering.
And Bobby came! Because lo, he is Bobby. And he is great and good.
Hawaii Five-O-like credits I found on YouTube
Ha. Great vid. That could have TOTALLY followed Magnum.
Does anybody have the link tiggy posted to YouTube? I went back to look for it and can't find it. I thought it was in this thread.
I found this one, to a vid in an LJ, Bev, not the Hawaii Five-O one.
vid tiggy linked to
Okay, now *I* can't find the Hawaii Five-O one.
It's here, Amy. Thanks for the link--I'ma shop around over there. I've already nabbed the Eagles' "Desperado" about John.