Wow, Ailleann.
I got goose-bumps and then I swear, as I was reading about Pastor Jim's eyes stinging, my eyes started. But thanks for the smile at the very end after I cried. That was perfect.
You totally captured a young Sammy.
[NAFDA]. This is where we talk about the CW series Supernatural! Anything that's aired in the US (including promos) is fair game. No spoilers though -- if you post one by accident, an admin will delete it.
Wow, Ailleann.
I got goose-bumps and then I swear, as I was reading about Pastor Jim's eyes stinging, my eyes started. But thanks for the smile at the very end after I cried. That was perfect.
You totally captured a young Sammy.
::scuffs toe in dirt::
Thanks, Austin. I'm glad you liked it.
Ailleann, drunk in Playthings, when he makes Dean promise to kill him (and link away!).
Cass, haven't seen the director's cut, just the discussions in Boxed Set before I ever started watching SPN. Black eyes, huh? The hell? Are the director's cuts considered canon? Cuz that plays as Sam being possessed through Nightshifter as well as HotH, which, what?
I assume I'm preaching to the choir.
Julie, the Director's Cuts were early clips put up on the CW website. I think Cass means the clip for BUaBS were up very early, and included a shot of Sam with black eyes. Therefore spoiling the big reveal.
Because everyone who does previews for every network ever should be drug out into the street and shot.
No, I mislead. The DC was from BUaBS. Sam wasn't possessed before that. I just knew that at some point he was, so I kept looking for it. And was, then, unsurprised in BUaBS. And I think the ep would have been even better the first time if I hadn't been waiting for it. It's when I went totally spoiler free and I won't go to their website now. I learned the hard way.
I'm shocked. You NEVER do that.phblt!
I think Cass means the clip for BUaBS were up very early, and included a shot of Sam with black eyes. Therefore spoiling the big reveal.Yes, Ailleann has it exactly. And much clearer than I said it too.
ah, I unnerstand now. And yes, all those responsible for previews for all shows should be tarred and feathered.
And speaking of the black eyes, I loved that when Jo shouts "He was possessed?!" Dean gives her a look of such loathing and dismissal "You actually thought that was Sam?! You are dead to me."
Juliebird, I know this is a terrible earworm but Bryan Adams Everything I do (I do it for you) popped into my head when you were describing the look on Dean's face.
Look at Those lyrics. Isn't that Dean exactly? The reason I thought of it is probably because I've already seen a video of it (my mind is swiss cheese so at this point I could have seen it yesterday and not remembered) but I am going to search the vid places. I'm betting it was made. eta Yes, it was made. A lot.
Oh, and I just saw that you and I were COMMd from Boxed Set. I'm not sure who is Martin and who is Lewis, but we might have an act.
Heh. I don't see that as a look of loathing, especially because Dean wasn't sure himself. Just sort of an "of course, it couldn't have been him." look.
Well, no. Noone is without sin. But Sam and Dean live through stealing, lie daily, break in to places, desecrate graves. I mean, yes, they are fighting against evil. But I don't think I can really say they are fighting *for good*, they are fighting against evil.
t loves Cass brains
Austin, Bryan Adams is in my head, damn you!
but, despite that, yeah, that's Dean. And really, that's Sam, too. What they'll do for each other that they'll do for no one else, up to and including their own father.
Plei, I got in the beginning that Dean was all "OMG, it's Sam doing these horrible things, now I must find a way to prove that this isn't true", but by the time we got to the Jo scene, i read nothing but certainty. At that point in the ep, Dean seemed (to me) to be dead certain that Sam was possessed. Even if it was the theory he was working on that wasn't proved til he doused Sam in holy water, the moment that was done, everything else was moot. That silent pause he gave Jo seemed judgmental of her doubts (and maybe he was judging and condemning his own doubts, too). Throughout the ep, he was trying to find excuses and rationalization for what Sam did, with that doubt niggling at him, and sure, he lucked out in being right, but I think what he was judging Jo for was not taking those same leaps of faith, despite the niggling.