So every time they cite chapter and verse on TV, I feel the need to look it up, because I'm fascinated by context.
It never stops killing me that Luke 2:whatever is part of the angels appearing to announce the birth of Jesus bit (as featured in the Charlie Brown Christmas special).
"I do pray every day. I have for a long time." ::FLAILS::
"I do pray every day. I have for a long time." ::FLAILS::
"The things you learn about a guy."
We don' need no steenkin' bucket.
I mean, ooh, look! An angel!
"Huh. The things you learn about a guy"
Ah, the exchange that started a lot of good fanfic. Most of which I feel compelled to go find again later. Especially the one where Dean keeps watching, trying to see when Sam prays.
And he calls him Sammy when he thinks he's hurt. Oh, Dean.
I bet Sam wants to believe because he wants to think of Mary in Heaven.
Ooops, Dean beat me to it. Angels watch over him.
"Rips you to shreds" Rips my heart to shreads you mean, JA.
That scene KILLS me. The aisle dividing them, the camera angles DOWN on Sam and UP on Dean.
And, "She was wrong. Nothing was protecting her." ::whimpers::
Especially the one where Dean keeps watching, trying to see when Sam prays.
I would like to read this fic!
(This is where a big ol' attention ho would link to her own HotH-related fic. But lo, I am strong.)
"Like peace. Like grace." Oh, there is a WORLD of hurt comin' for you Sammy.
Okay, Jensen Ackles needs to be broken and in churches a lot. Clearly this is A Thing for me. Whoa.