Especially the one where Dean keeps watching, trying to see when Sam prays.
I would like to read this fic!
(This is where a big ol' attention ho would link to her own HotH-related fic. But lo, I am strong.)
"Like peace. Like grace." Oh, there is a WORLD of hurt comin' for you Sammy.
Okay, Jensen Ackles needs to be broken and in churches a lot. Clearly this is A Thing for me. Whoa.
is that the dance of the Sugar Plum Fairies?
SpongeBob side down. Bwah!
Oh, Dean, you really kinda did get stuck at the night your mommy died, didn't you?
I would like to read this fic!
When I find, I will link. In e if it is beautiful cake. I ... really don't remember. It's tame if it is.
What HotH fic?
::sits with Cass::
You and me both, baby.
That was HARSH, locking Sam out of the car. That's got more meaning than it appears to on the surface.
Oh, Dean, you really kinda did get stuck at the night your mommy died, didn't you?
In many emotional ways, yes.
Dean locks Sam into or out of places a bit. Croatoan comes to mind.
Dean as caretaker, jailer, mother...