One of the road trips I'm plotting in my head is tooling around Vancouver, spotting as many locations as I can. I think it'd be fun - special bonus if I get to play Canadian Actor Bingo at the same time.
I've seriously had this thought too. Then, I wonder if I have slipped over the edge of fandom, but since I don't want to stalk anyone and would give equal opportunities to my shows, I still count as sane, right? Right now it seems even more appealing because it is a hundred and hell degrees outside and the pictures of Vancouver look like a safe haven.
I'll add a third to Morgana and Juliebird's love of the bond between the brothers. Even in construct world, when supposedly Sam didn't feel close to Dean, he still got in the car with him to go fight the Djinn. Subconscious Dean knows that Sam would always stand to fight with him. *sigh* And the pretty, and the stories are good too.
I just unsubscribed to the Spoilers thread. I know casting, and the little info from Comic Con, but I've decided to keep it at that. We will see how long I can keep that up. I'm betting I break before the first episode.
Sumi, that pic is priceless. I've been missing the boys and once again, Jared is just one giant gorgeous goof.