ok - here is the draft poll - up for comment for 24 hours (at least) - SHOULD I POST IT ANYWHERE ELSE?
Some Facts:
- There are 1547 activated registrations, 1177 who went on to read something on the board while logged in.
- Fewer than 500 registered users have read posts while logged in in 2007, of those, 235 have posted.
General Board Usage:
1. I read B.org: (drop down maybe – to save space)
a – several times a day
– at least once a day
c. – several times a week
d. – at least once a week
e. – less than once a week
f. – less than once a month
2. I post on B.org: (drop down maybe)
a – several times a day
– at least once a day
c. – several times a week
d. – at least once a week
e. – less than once a week
f. – less than once a month
3. I post at b.org for:
a. general social interaction/maintaining establishing friendships
b. discussion of TV
c. discussion of fandom
d. more than one of the above
e. none of the above
f. all of the above
4. What threads do you consider essential to your experience?
rank your top 3: (multi columns of all threads)
5. How do you navigate the board?
a. Read New
b. Click Threads
c. Both
d. I do not understand
1. Would you be open to re-visiting the voting rules? Y/N
New Threads/Board Change
1. Do you like b.org the way it is and would prefer no major changes? Yes, The board works well enough, now/No, The board needs work.
2. Do you believe that splitting up the volume with multiple show threads dilutes or enhances the community?
a. dilutes
b. enhances
c. unsure
d. My answer is more complex than you allow me to answer
3. Would more television based threads increase your enjoyment of the board? Yes/No
4. Do we need to have some kind of check on thread creation to maintain the cultural center? Yes/No
5. If you voted yes to 4, what would it be?
a. A limit on the number of threads
b. A more difficult threshold to create threads (greater than a majority vote with quorom of 42)
c. either of those
d. neither of those
e. Other (write in)
6. If there is one major thing you think is important that we did not address in this poll, please write it here. (text box)
msbelle, maybe a post in Press?
I think a link to it should maybe go in Natter, Bitches, Minearverse and the open show threads. I usually hate spamming the board, and love Press because it saves us that. I don't know. Definitely it should go in Press at the least.
I think that's a good poll, msbelle. Thanks to you, askye, Hec, and anyone else who helped craft it.
askye, Hec, and Sean need the thanks.
Well done, msbelle. The main comment I have is on the question in the Policy/Procedure section. The question as worded seems rather vague. For example, I'd be open to re-visiting the voting rules in the sense that I'd be willing to consider a proposal brought by someone else. But I don't see a need to revamp the rules wholesale.
Possibly --
1. Would you like to see a change in the voting rules? Y/N
2. If so, what issue(s) would you like to discuss? (text box)
On a lesser scale, you might want to consider rephrasing Question 5 under New Threads/Board Change to "If we do create a check on thread creation, what should it be?" To allow those who don't want a change to express a preference.
And to respond to the x-post, add askye, Hec and Sean to the "well done" list.
I think this needs to be posted in all the threads because it's important to our board.
Fred, regarding the policy changes and thread creation. This poll is for information gathering purposes so initially we want to find out if there's interest in revisiting the rules and if there is enough interest then start discussing possible changes. The same thing for the thread creation.
We also didn't want this poll to be too overwhelming at first and we tried to limit everything to either mulitple choice or Yes/No to make it easier to tally the results. With the bare minimum of write in answers.
I posted in press, natter and bitches. If someone could post to some other threads, I'd appreciate it.
Excellent job, poll-creating people, well done.
I agree with Cindy that on this occasion the poll needs to be more widespread, um, -ly, posted than usual, because we're trying to reach those outliers who may only post in a single thread, or two, of interest and who may be unaware that their opinion matters. I'd catch books, movies, other media, and fic as well as the threads she mentioned.
3. Would more television based threads increase your enjoyment of the board? Yes/No
I'm wondering about how the answers to this question could be interpreted. Does a "No" vote mean that more television threads would *decrease* my enjoyment of the board?
Because, speaking only for me, more television threads wouldn't really *increase* my enjoyment, but neither would they *decrease* it.
Would it be possible to slightly re-word it, like so:
"3. Would more television based threads affect your enjoyment of the board, and if so, how? (a) No effect — it wouldn't make me enjoy the board any more or less; (b) Yes — I would enjoy the board more; (c) Yes — I would enjoy the board less."