Briefly regarding both Boxed Set and television talk: in the poll, BS was the third most noted thread, and even with it being slightly less high volume with Supernatural gone, I haven't read SPN or BS in about four weeks, starting from the same point in time, and they have almost identical (within 100) unread posts for me. While being a really lame experiment, it does show me that there's still lots of talk going on in BS, even without SPN. Also, as Frank notes, there's pretty much just Eureka and Doc Who on right now, and we've never been much for talking re-runs. (With the exception of supernatural.)
I think with the number of returning shows, and the handful of new ones coming up, BS will continue to be as odd and vibrant and important as it ever was. By which I mean I am not a Pollyanna, no really.
But the other part of that notes that from the poll, tv talk is as important a cultural center as the social stuff. I don't really see the point in making some kind of mission statement or whatever, and while I can understand getting behind changing the voting rules a bit, I personally really do not want to have *that* discussion again. At least not for awhile.
I suppose I'm trying to suss out where, after the results from Connie's proposal come back, we should take this conversation. Having a Network Drama thread changes things somewhat--it should probably encourage us to decide whether we, or anyone, in the community wants to go forward with making other television threads with, basically, the experimentals recreated, or if we should kind of Doblerize for a while on the concept and let threads that may float up as needing their own thread naturally be a thread creation guideline.
That being said, if Connie's proposal doesn't pass, I think I'd like to craft a proposal dividing along genre lines, with the subset that individual show threads that generate enough robust discussion could be proposed as individual threads.
Also, there's a hummingbird outside my window. How cool is that?
Hey, I wiggled my butt at you at the Prom!
there is a difference between a butt wiggle and a lap dance. Usually about $100.
Anyway, I took a peek at the Supernatural thread and it is flying along. Which I think is a good thing. I think the fandom element is still very strong glue for this community even if we don't have just one fandom to focus on anymore. It's as strong a bond as the social ones.
I want to take this statement as a good thing, but I still kinda bristle. The new thread is working because we are
it work, but, well it's still a very touchy topic for me.
Supernatural is flying, but Boxed Set is quieter, it feels. Not so happy with that.
Guess we did talk a lot there. And there was cross pollination for me. Wait, Plei says it better here:
It worked for some, didn't work for others. It did work for me, and now I'm not even in it, and unless something catches my eye next season that I feel hypercompelled to discuss, I won't be. Which makes me sad, even as I'm enjoying in-depth discussion of gender issues in the new thread.
People call me "Cor" all the time. Perhaps I am 3/4 of the fabled core member.
Kudos on the poll work, y'all. That was a huge undertaking.
Cor--you are the reason I post in music most of the time. Really. I just like the chance to say howdy.
I concur with this. I think coupled with a higher quorum it would make a difference.
Any ideas on what would work best if we raised the quorum?
I'm attached to a percentage of users - either active posters (by one of ita's counts), or of total registered users.
I'm not sure where to peg that percentage though it should produce a number higher than 42.
70% of voters in the poll were uninterested in revisiting the voting rules. What do you think is broken where you are so eager to change them?
Lurkers don't matter because they never say what they're thinking.
But as Jesse has pointed out, people whose names you don't know have given money to support the board. Sometimes even a healthy amount of money.
Lurkers matter in ways we're not seeing.
They're still in the minority, but they participate in unseen ways.
But many were interested in making it harder to create new threads, IIRC. Perhaps we need to raise the quorum just for thread creation? Time-and-a-half (63) or something?