Pardon me...I'm going through the trailers from my Apple TV.
Yes/No question: New low or new high?
When the life of Jean-Claude Van Damme collides with the reality of a hold-up in Brussels, Belgium, suddenly the huge movie star turns into an ordinary guy, filled with fears, contradictions and hopes. How can he be up to the legend he has built? What can a film hero do when the gun pointed to his temple isn’t charged with blanks? JCVD finds himself at the turning point of his “hero” life.
It's been getting really good reviews, ita.
I've been hearing good things about that movie, ita. Very much a meta movie though, as I understand it (sort of like Malkovich in Being John Malkovich but with less surrealism).
I can't wrap my mind around a Van Damme movie not sucking in one respect or another. And I say that as a person who not only watched his movies avidly, but also took notes.
I think that tagline for the new F&tF movie is referring to the original actors coming back, ita. i'm not really sure about the sequels acting alone because i couldn't sit through them.
I think that tagline for the new F&tF movie is referring to the original actors coming back, ita.
That's my assumption. I made it through part of the second movie, but I'm wondering if F&F=TF&TF 2 or 4.
Didn't Vin Diesel make a random appearance at the end of the third movie? I think the new movie does count the sequels as canon.
I can't wrap my mind around a Van Damme movie not sucking in one respect or another.
I liked both Hard Target and Timecop, but that was mostly in spite of JCVD, not because of him.
Random aside: one reviewer of JCVD pointed out how much he's starting to resemble Buster Keaton. I'm never going to be able to get that out of my mind now. Not sure if it's a bad thing - I have a feeling his movies would play better silent. Though in the two I referenced we'd lose out on Lance Henrickson and Ron Silver chewing the scenery so enjoyably.
I liked both Hard Target and Timecop, but that was mostly in spite of JCVD, not because of him.
I'm pretty sure I liked those movies too. I don't think I saw
Double Impact,
but I saw the trailer enough times, and I sometimes like to break out the ol' "There are two of them!"
Hey, I still love Double Impact. Mmm. Cory Everson.
Don't judge me more than you already do.