"Pretty Fly" is not meant to be a noise-skronk song!
I would not describe the Young People cover as noise-skrunk at all! Quite folky, actually.
I recently picked up a CD that features Charles Laughton reading a version of Night of the Hunter. There's a bit of music in it but it's mostly narration. Still, the man could tell a story! Bonus: the same CD also has Miklos Rozsa's score for Lost Weekend, featuring... wait for it... a theremin!! [link]
I hope it gets enough of a culty following to have a director's cut eventually
I thought that
the director's cut. I've filed it under "seriously flawed movies I liked anyway."
V for Vendetta,
Southland Tales.
We watched
The Man of a Thousand Faces
last night, starring James Cagney as Lon Chaney. Very odd and a little sugar-coated, but not without merit.
I thought that was the director's cut.
There may not really be one, I guess. It wasn't finished at Cannes, and then as part of the distribution deal he had to cut it down. And he probably wanted to trim it anyway, but there was an interview where he said he would like to restore some of the stuff that was dropped.
Russell Crowe cast as Robin AND the Sheriff of Nottingham in a new version of Robin Hood?!!?
Picked up "The Freshman" for 10 bucks at the grocery store. I love that movie, and by reading the dVD case, I see it's done by the same person you did the original, funny "The In-Laws." I'm afraid to see "The In-Laws" again for fear it won't be so marvelously, chaotically funny again. Could "Serpentine!" possibly be as funny when you know it's coming?
based on my experience, yes.
Ok, maybe not AS, but I still laugh every time.
Oh, good. That movie was such a delight.
I remember seeing the original "The In-Laws" in the theater when it came out. My sister and I were practically crying over "Serpentine!!" and even the Senor Wences bit was hilarious.
Why do I keep thinking that Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist and Zack and Miri Make a Porno are the same film?