makes high-pitched squeaky noises of glee
So, we got a PS3 to use as a Blu-Ray player. Guess what I'm watching!
The Blu-Ray edition of Nightmare Before Christmas is ASTONISHING. It's like a brand-new movie. I have never seen this level of detail in the movie before, not even when I went and saw the fancy 3-D release a couple of years ago. The textures! The teeny-tiny swirly details on everything!
Follow-up on Jilli's squeeing; yes, the blu-ray Nightmare is really amazing. The quality of the transfer is exceptional and the textures are unbelievable.
We also got The Fall on BD. OMG. Stunning.
The Fountain was absolutely beautiful on Blu-Ray. Still a weird-ass movie, but beautiful.
The first thing that I will buy when I get a BluRay will be Planet Earth.
y'all are really making me want a blu-ray. is it really only worth it to have a blu-ray with an HD tv though? or does it still look amazing on a regular tv?
No - HD video on an SD monitor will be downconverted to SD.
that's what i figured. curses!
If someone listed THX-1138 among their favorite movies on a dating site would you think they genuinely enjoyed it or would you think they were being pretentious?
Lucas fanboy? Were Star Wars, and possibly American Graffiti also listed?